The words "environment", "recycling", "climate change" and "plastic pollution" are not alien to us, especially in more recent times.
The impacts of waste pollution both locally and globally can be witnessed first hand by each of us in every day life, without the need to visit a far flung destination, or to join a voyage across the ocean in search of this so called waste phenomena.
This is an issue that is very much on our own doorstep. An issue that, perhaps, has been ignored or swept under the oceanic carpet as it were for some time now.
This is an issue that is not only close to our homes but close to our hearts.
We believe every business has a Corporate Responsibility to do their fair share in reducing waste and disposing in the best way that we possibly can.
While we are what conglomerates would refer to as a "small business", we know that if everyone collectively came together the difference could be staggering.

"There is no question that climate change is happening; the only arguable point is what part humans are playing in it."
- Sir David Attenborough

We, the Physis Ltd team, want to do our bit for the environment, and make changes to our business processes, no matter how big or small, for the good of our planet.
Our mission, is to be more mindful of our actions and the impacts of these actions, and to become more responsible for our own personal and business contributions to the environmental issues that we face, on both a local and global scale.
Towards the last half of 2018, our Facility Manager has spent time reviewing and redefining our recycling policy and processes.
We have been in contact with all of our manufacturers and suppliers to find out exactly what their recycling policies are and what we can utilise to achieve our mission. We have also had conversations with various waste disposal providers to find out what they can do to support us in becoming a ‘greener’ organisation.
After much deliberation and examination we are proud to announce that we are one step closer to our goal of becoming a ‘greener’ organisation.
Our bottle manufacturer is only providing us with recyclable plastic bottles, meaning that we and our customers can recycle each and every bottle after use, knowing that it can be utilised in other ways and means. ***
We have partnered up with Wastesavers Charitable Trust (Charity No. 1116150) who are ISO accredited and TEEP compliant. Being locally based, as well as being a charitable organisation, means that this partnership is not only going to help us to achieve our mission, but it is also giving us an opportunity to continue to support our local community.
*** If you do not have recycling facilities in your area, please feel free to send your empty bottles to - Physis Ltd., Unit B1B002, 16 Leeway Industrial Estate, Newport, NP19 4SL - and we will make sure the plastic bottle will be recycled!
This is only the start for us as we will continue to listen, adapt and demand more from our Company and the role we play in looking after our planet.